Sadaqah is a voluntary act of charity that is given for the sole purpose of pleasing Allah (swt) and without expecting anything in return. In Arabic the word Sadaqah literally means righteousness and stems from the word ‘sidq’, which means sincerity. This suggests that Sadaqah is a righteous behaviour, which shows sincerity of faith.
We know that Prophet Muhammed (saw) was ‘more generous than the blowing wind’, giving his food, money, and belongings to the poor and often letting himself go hungry. The Prophet (saw) had an impeccable character and there is wisdom and immense rewards in following his exemplary behaviour.
The Quran and Sunnah practices of the Prophet (saw) repeatedly highlight the importance of giving Sadaqah and Allah (swt) has promised rewards to those that do. Here are ten reasons why you should be giving Sadaqah on a regular basis:
The Prophet (saw) said “Treat your sick ones with charity.” (Saheeh al-Jaami).
It is good to give Sadaqah when a loved one falls ill in order to to help cure disease and avert ill-fate. The Prophet (saw) also said that “Sadaqah appeases the Lord’s anger and averts an evil death.” (Tirmidhi)
The Prophet (saw) said “Give Sadaqah without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity.” (Tirmidhi)
As Muslim, we believe that Allah (swt) has created this life as a test of our faith and loyalty through hardships. Giving Sadaqah during a difficult time shows strong Iman and gratitude to Allah (swt). Only Allah’s (swt) infinite mercy can change a situation and giving Sadaqah is a way of drawing closer to Him.
A return on investment is not something you would normally associate with charitable donations. Nonetheless, Allah (swt) promises us that he will increase our wealth, sustenance and bring us success in this life and in the hereafter when we give Sadaqah.
“Indeed, the men who practice charity and the women who practice charity and [they who] have loaned Allah a goodly loan - it will be multiplied for them, and they will have a noble reward.” (Al Hadeed 57:18)
The Prophet (saw) said: “Charity extinguishes the sins like water extinguishes a fire.” (Ibn Majah)
On the Day of Judgement, every person will be held accountable for their sins, both major and minor. Giving Sadaqah regularly is a simple way of helping to expiate any sins we have committed knowingly, and unknowingly.
Only those believers who were charitable and gave Sadaqah in the way of Allah, to their parents, orphans, widows, the sick and the needy will be allowed to enter through Baab As-Sadaqah, one of 8 gates to Jannah.
“But those who feared their Lord will be driven to Paradise in groups until, when they reach it while its gates have been opened and its keepers say, “Peace be upon you; you have become pure; so enter it to abide eternally therein,” (Quran 39:73)
On the Day of Judgement, the burning sun will be right above our heads and everyone will want to sit under the shade of Allah (swt). The person who gives hidden charity is one of the seven who will be offered shade.
The Prophet (saw) said: “The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity.” (Tirmidhi)
Our wealth, no matter how big or small, is a gift from Allah (swt) and can in some cases even be a burden. We are accountable for how we spend it and should try to spend it wisely. Spending our wealth on charity extinguishes worldly desires and attains the reward of the Hereafter.
“By no means shall you attain righteousness unless you give (freely) of that which you love. And whatever you spend; indeed, Allah is Knowing of it.” (Al Imraan 3:92)
A Muslim can ask Allah (saw) to accept their Dua by virtue of their good deeds including the Sadaqah they give. An example of this is the Sahih Hadeeth narrated in Muslim and Bukhari, about three people who entered a cave, but their exit was blocked by a fallen rock. They asked Allah (swt) to save them, by the virtue of their good deeds.
Sadaqah benefits the whole community and ensures that the most vulnerable, including orphans, widows, the sick and needy, have an equal standing in society. Remember, any act of kindness is Sadaqah, not just money.
The Prophet said: “Your smile for your brother is a charity. Your removal of stones, thorns, or bones from the paths of people is a charity. Your guidance of a person who is lost is a charity” (Bukhari).
By giving Sadaqah Jariyah in either your name or that of a loved one who has passed on, you can earn continuous rewards now and in the hereafter. Examples of Sadaqah Jariyah include building a well, school, hospital, or masjid. The beauty of Sadaqah Jariyah is that you earn a reward every time it is used, for as long as it is used.
The Prophet (saw) said: “When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity); a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him (for the deceased).”